
In order to be able to participate to the experiments you need to register in our database. The registration process does not take more than 1-2 minutes. This step does not commit you to participate in any particular experiment, but you will receive email notifications about upcoming experiments when they are scheduled.

The experimental sessions usually last between half and two hours and, according to international practice in Experimental Economics, participants receive a financial reward. The fee will be paid in cash immediately after the end of the session. The exact amount you will receive depends on the decisions you will make during the experiment, and the decisions of other participants. Your participation is not rewarded with course credits. No deception is involved in the experiments of UCY LExEcon and any information that is provided to the participants regarding an experiment is truthful.

 No prior training in economics, mathematics or computers is needed. You are just asked to solve some simple decision problems.

Please use your UCY email account during registration. Also, in order to complete the registration successfully you need to be logged-in to the University's network, either while in campus or through VPN.

 Additional information about participating in experiments can be found in the in the FAQ of the registration platform

 Current Calendar of the Experimental Sessions (connection to University’s network required)
